Jobs/Internships In Hotels And Restaurants Abroad | Hospitality - Porto

Empresa: Roast Jobs
Outras Vagas da Empresa: A empresa tem outras vagas ativas (2)
Seu Registro: Ainda não se registrou. Candidate-se ou Indique por recompensas
Localização: Porto, Portugal
E-mail da empresa: *********@*******.com (Ver e-mail)
WhatsApp:  Enviar WhatsApp


  • • No specific diploma required.
  • • All levels of English are accepted, and no particular experience is needed.
  • • You will need to be available for a minimum of 2 months in the summer or 6 months the rest of the year.
  • • Eagerness to work abroad!

Atividades para realizar:

  • • Paid summer jobs or full-time jobs and internships, accommodation and meals provided in ireland, the netherlands, spain, malta, greece, cyprus, and the united kingdom - available all year round.
  • • All english levels accepted and no experience required!
  • • Guaranteed employment in 3 to 5-star hotels as well as traditional, gourmet, and michelin-starred restaurants before departure.


  • • Roast jobs is a young and vibrant team that supports you throughout your overseas experience, from start to finish. Since 2008, thousands of candidates have traveled and worked abroad, forging unforgettable experiences with our team.
  • • Roast jobs is a career consulting agency dedicated to supporting you throughout your overseas experience. Apart from securing your job or internship placement, we help you with trip preparation and assist you with all administrative tasks before and during your stay (such as setting up bank accounts, obtaining national identification numbers, arranging phone services, etc.). moreover, we remain available throughout your experience to address any needs or concerns on-site.
  • • Very high success rate: 95 out of 100 of our candidates secure their experience abroad through roast jobs.

Our services include:

  • • Secured employment prior to departure in 3 to 5-star hotels and traditional, gourmet, or michelin-starred restaurants.
  • • Paid-jobs or internship opportunities available all year.
  • • Administrative support.
  • • Seamless support from your dedicated advisor throughout your experience.
  • • Accommodation and meals provided or assistance to find one depending on the destination you will choose.

Jornada laboral: Full Time
Tipo de emprego: Emprego temporário
Salário: Negociável
Quantidades de vagas: 30

Experiência Mínima: Sem experiência
Sexo: indestinto
- Disponibilidade para viajar e trabalhar fora da cidade

Você é apto para este emprego?

  • Descubra sua pontuação para esta posição e ajuste seu perfil para garantir este emprego.

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  • Em andamento! Nosso motor de Inteligência Artificial começou a analisar seu currículo. Isso pode levar alguns minutos. Enviaremos um e-mail quando tivermos o resultado pronto.
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